Still using the same old kitchen with the same old design, utensils, sink, and everything else? Are you bored of cooking in the same kitchen for years? Of course, you are, everyone gets bored of the same old places, old belongings, and old ways.

Don’t you feel like giving your kitchen a new and updated look to match your home office update? You definitely feel like doing so but you are worried about the funds and cost of redesigning? Right? Then you don’t have to worry now! Because here, in this blog we are going to discuss plenty of ways to transform your kitchen and make it look brand new. Excited? Aren’t you?

Change is a must, from time to time everything must be changed and updated. Quoting the famous words,” Change is the law of nature” so you must change everything around you from time to time. Because with change comes a lot of change in the way you think, in the way you perceive, in the way you love and more. So now is the perfect time for the kitchen update and kitchen redesign. Brace yourself and make preparations because your kitchen is about to look new again.

But before moving further lets understand what exactly does kitchen redesigning means? Kitchen redesigning or we can say kitchen renovation means changing the entire look and feel of the kitchen. It includes changing the wall color, texture, position of the platform, the place of almirah, utensils, and all the other stuff. It means removing all the old ways and techniques that you are using currently. Basically, kitchen redesigning means eliminating the old layout and applying a new one.

white wooden cupboards

House designing can be a bit lengthy and a lot expensive job. And if you are on your poor nerves then it’s just a big problem. As the kitchen is the main part of your home, you better focus on remodeling your kitchen at first. After that, you can change the look of your big house slowly. The whole kitchen redesigning process can go smoothly if you have knowledge of all the details and the proper steps of the redesigning process. The kitchen redesigning process is worth your money, time, and hard work. I bet you won’t regret spending your money on your very own and old kitchen. Let us move ahead and look into the process of turning your old kitchen into a fresh new kitchen.

  • Evaluate your needs, requirements, and means– The very first thing that you need to do is to evaluate your needs and requirements, what needs to be changed and replaced. Ask yourself questions before making a decision. Ask if your kitchen lacks a dining area? If the cooking space is so congested? If the storage space is sufficient or not? If the colors go well? If the kitchen has the vibe of a kitchen? Because if you’ll not ask these questions before you make a decision, you might regret it later. After that, you should evaluate and calculate all the resources that you have.
  • Design and Plan– After evaluating your needs and requirements the second step is to design and plan the outline of your kitchen. Make a list of the things you need and the things you need to eliminate from your kitchen. Planning is the most important and the first step to making something successful. So come with a tough and realistic plan on how to update your kitchen. Some common kitchen design plans are L-shape design, Double L- Design, U-shape design, Corridor design, and One- wall design.
  • The decision to hire designers or not– After all this is done, the next step you need to follow is to decide if you want to hire a designer or a contractor or you can do it all by yourself? This is an important decision and a very important step as your whole plan is based on this only. To implement a plan you need a contractor, for that you can hire them or you can hire your personal subcontractors. Other than this, if you don’t want to hire any contractor, then you can do it by yourself. That is the best option but for that you need to be a hundred percent sure about your work as you cannot waste your money and time.
  • Demolition– To change something you need to get rid of the old things. That means you need to demolish your old kitchen before you remake it into a new one. This process is quite physical, messy, and noisy. So, either you can hire people to do that or you can do it by yourself. It should be noted that you should wear proper gear before demolition to avoid harm to your body.
  • Structure, Plumbing, Wiring, and all– After all this is over, the next step is structuring the walls, windows, almirahs, and doors. Once this is over move towards plumbing the pipes and taps. After plumbing, make a way for electricity that is to do proper wiring safely.
  • Finishing and setting up of countertops– This step will make your kitchen look like a kitchen. Yes! The next step is to finish off the walls and ceilings by painting them. Flooring is also an important step after that.
  • Setting up the appliances– By this step, your kitchen is now ready to use. But there are certain appliances that you need in your kitchen, this step is all about them.
  • Inspecting and checking– Probably this is the last step until you find any changes again. You just need to go to your redesigned and updated kitchen and inspect it. Just go and feel the new kitchen and design by touching them. Because your kitchen is now ready to use. Make sure to keep it clean and organized now.

Aren’t you excited to cook in the new kitchen? It’s ready to use so cook delicious dishes. And your kitchen is now new, organized, clean and modular. So, take proper care of it by cleaning each and everything from time to time.

Estimated costs of redesigning a kitchen

crop entrepreneur counting money in office

Redesigning a kitchen won’t cost you much and if you do it yourself it would be cheaper for you. Or you can divide the work and you can do some work on your own and allot some work to others. This will reduce your cost of redesigning too.

Approximately, redesigning a small kitchen costs $22,500 while a major remodel can cost upwards $66,200. The estimated costs are as follows.

  • The cost of cabinets is around $4000- $12,000.
  • The cost of flooring is around $1000 to $6000
  • Replacing the old countertops will cost $1000 to $5000 approximately.
  • The cost of plumbing is from $3000 – $6000.
  • To update appliances you need to spend an amount of $3000 to $10,000.
  • For flooring, it will cost from $1000 to $6000.
  • For painting the walls and cabinets, it costs $1000 to $3000.

But it should be noted that these prices depend on the place you live. We have estimated the approximate values of each and every work for you so you can check and evaluate the costs on the basis of these estimates.

Why is kitchen redesign important?

Why do we redesign, update, or change something? Because the old ways don’t serve us well and they become outdated. We are living in a new and dynamic world where everything is changing so fast. So no one wants to stay outdated and lack the latest technology and upgradation, isn’t it?

Specifically, why kitchen redesign is important because with time our kitchens look shabby and unorganized because of the less and unorganized space as we buy more and more stuff to fill that space. So what a kitchen redesign does is, it organizes your kitchen and all the objects of the kitchen. It happens in such a way that you can put more stuff in a little space. It includes clearing the clutter, unnecessary objects, and stuff from the kitchen. How does a messy room with clothes lying here and there, shoes kept on the bed, books in the cupboard of clothes and other belongings spilled here and there will look? Messy no? You won’t be able to find your things easily and you will waste a lot of time searching for them in the mess. That is why the need to organize arises. And to organize the things in a proper way you need to properly redesign your kitchen area.


This blog has covered everything about the redesigning of your old kitchen, from cost to the process. We are done from our side and now it’s your turn. So get ready and implement your plan soon.