
Hi there! The keepers of this blog, Chen and Stefan, are a couple who bought their first home together back in October 2018.

Chen is an Architect by trade, Urban designer by profession, and a fun loving girl who enjoys making sure their home is a place that they can come back to after a long day of work and relax in.

Stefan is a software engineer during the day and aspiring blogger at night. He loves to share knowledge on the internet so that they can take what they’ve learned from their experiences with their house and share them with other home owners.

Since a home is usually a persons biggest purchase that most people put a ton of considerable thought into and the place they spend the majority of their time with family and loved ones it is important that a persons home gets the love, thought, and time it deserves. By putting in extra effort into the design and functionality of a house one can truly achieve more peace of mind and a feeling of sanctuary in the place they lay their head to have a more centered mood. It is our pleasure to share how we aspire to achieve this ourselves in our own home to yours.

The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home
