An apple a day keep the doctor away and so it is with keeping your body fully hydrated by drinking enough water every day. The technology of using smart water bottles is well designed such that you stay hydrated the whole day with a push reminder on the bottle. We are no longer on the days where our friends would remind us of water intake to motivate us for the sake of our wellness. The smart water bottles have these features to help keep your body healthy, good looking skin, young, and help in good digestion. Water is life and when you choose to stay hydrated, water should feel more enjoyable to drink. A water bottle review shows that some of the smart water bottles with notification and reminders are H2Opal, Ozmo, PYRUS, HDYRA Tech Bottle, Gululu, and Hydrate Spark 2.0. They are costly but quite durable. Below are benefits of why you should stay hydrated:

1. Cools the body

Your blood vessels close to the skin will expand whenever heat is been released from your body especially during exercises. This results in more blood flow and more heat release from your body and your body feels cool.


2. Lubricate Joints and muscles

When the body stays hydrated, water inside and outside the cells of the contracting muscles gives enough nutrients and excrete the waste and so your body performs well. Enough water intake helps in lubricating your joints as well.

3. Body cleansing

Your kidneys need enough water to help infiltration of waste from the blood and excrete it in the urine. This will help in the smooth flow of blood in your body. Stay hydrated for preventing urinary tract infections and stones in your kidneys. Dehydration can result in kidney failure and toxins piling up in your body. It’s quite unhealthy.

4. Relieve constipation

Constipation can be uncomfortable and it can easily be relieved if you choose to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. Low water intake can cause constipation both to the young and the old. Using smart water bottles for carbonated water can be of great help.

5. Weight loss

More water intake can help in boosting your metabolism rate. It’s recommended to drink water half an hour before eating to lose weight. When your stomach is fuller with water, you tend to eat less. This is an effective way of losing weight.

6. Healthy mouth

Stay hydrated for the sake of keeping your lips, throat, and mouth moist. Bad breath can be a result of dry mouth that can cause cavities as well.

7. Headache treatment

Dehydration can cause you to have a headache or migraines. Stay hydrated always to avoid this even though it depends on different individuals and what type of headache you are experiencing.

With the latest technology, there are special and smart water bottles in the market that acts as a reminder to stay hydrated the whole day. Below is a list of some smart water bottles reviews, which we can look at and see the reason why you should invest in them.

1. Meet H2Opal

This smart water bottles review has scored the highest when it comes to customer satisfaction. It has the best features compared to its competitors. It has an integrated app that connects to your smartphone device that you can see the amount of water you drink in a day to stay hydrated. It has an energy-efficient sensor that weighs how much water is remaining. The smart water bottles can adjust your daily water intake and it can send a notification to your iPhone Apple watch, or Amazon Alexa reminding you to drink your water. This bottle goes for about $83 and it’s worth it considering you want to stay hydrated for health purposes especially weight loss. You need to drink eight glasses in a day and you can easily forget and that’s why this bottle has been invented to keep reminding you.

2. PYRUS Smart Cup

This type is more cost-friendly and on water bottle review it is well rated though it’s not as smart as H2Opal. It does not have an integrated app like the H2Opal. It has a LED display on which helps you to see the amount of water you’ve drunk. With this smart water bottles, you will receive a reminder eight times a day as its preset. At least it does the main work of reminding at almost half the cost of H2Opal. For more high tech features you can decide to spend more on H2Opal that is a better option.

3. Hydrate Spark

On water bottle review Hydrate Spark has a high customer satisfaction rate. It’s a flashy and smart water bottles with Hydrate Sparks that illuminates to remind you when it’s time to drink water. It’s integrated with activity trackers to help in your water intake. It’s flexible and used for traveling as it fits well in cup holders, bike cages, and backpack pockets. It has a silicone sleeve that minimizes condensation and the light can shine through. You can order from Amazon at $60.

4. Livana HdraGlow

According to the water bottle review, this is an upmarket class water bottle going for $100 at Amazon. It’s one of a kind with special 360-degree pop to sip lid making it easy to drink. The finishing inside is made of Silk Sip to keep away the metallic taste. It can keep drinks hot or cold for hours as you desire. It has a leather strap to ensure it does not slip off your hands. It’s the first stainless steel bottle to be manufactured.

In conclusion, on best water bottle review H2Opal has the highest satisfaction rate with its high tech features. It’s expensive though it’s worth the cost as it has an integrated app that helps in reminding you of water intake. Water bottles have become essential in everyday life even if they are expensive, they are worth the cost as what you look for at the end of the day is keeping your body healthy and maintain the right weight. Stay hydrated and keep your metabolism well boosted, keep off from having a dry mouth, keep your skin good looking, and keep your cardiovascular health.