Many dwellings and commercial buildings worldwide now feature a coffee table of some type, be it in a living room, office, staff room, courtyard, etc. Coffee tables are now one of the most popular modern interior fixtures that no one can imagine doing without them.

Nonetheless, coffee tables are, in fact, a fairly recent phenomenon, hardly featuring in homes and shared space until a few centuries ago. So, what’s the origin of this fashionable table, and why did it explode in popularity globally in no time? Keep reading the article to discover the origin of this precious and luxurious table.

Birth of the Coffee Table

The exact origin of coffee tables can be puzzling to pinpoint. The term “coffee table” surfaced for the first time during the early Victorian period. This doesn’t mean that this interior fixture never existed before; in fact, it’s dated back earlier than that.

The idea of a coffee table come up after the introduction of coffee to Europe. There are many books and academic papers devoted to it, though only a few details are verified. Many authors of these books and academic papers allege that Venetians and Maltese were the first to consume coffee after being introduced to it through world trading ties.

The likeability of coffee ballooned in Europe immediately after this, with Vienna becoming the center of focus. In 1683, the Austrians discovered sacks of strange green beans left behind by the Ottoman Empire soldiers after they conceded defeat in their battle to control Vienna. These war remnants were huge in amount, and curious Viennese was desperate to try some for themselves. After discovering that these war spoils were coffee beans, Austria resolved to setup coffee houses in its capital to sell this newly ever-sought beverage.

The idea of the coffee table was ignited during this time. In the 17th century, coffee houses were opened up in most parts of the UK as a venue for the bourgeois and elites to meet and discuss important matters such as politics, philosophy, etc. While taking this beverage, consumers felt uncomfortable to keep holding drinking vessels throughout their discussion, and it’s at this time they demanded a place to rest their vessels. In reaction to this demand, coffee house owners created tables for this purpose, and the tables were later renamed coffee tables. Since then, the term “coffee table” has spread like wildfire to the rest of the world.

Strangely, the first coffee tables were totally different from the ones we use today. Instead, they were fairy tall and doubled the height of modern coffee tables.

With that in mind, here are things to consider before buying your next coffee table:

  • Function

First, have an insight into how a coffee table works. Why are you buying it in the first place? Is it to place stuff or for show off? That’s up to you. By defining the purpose of this fashionable interior furniture, you’ll be in a better position to make the right decision when it comes to the type suited for you. You can use it for relaxation, especially if you’re fun keeping your feet on top. Based on your needs, this furniture can be integrated into a formal setting where it might be used to keep fascinating books among other valuable documents. Regardless of its intent, make sure to clear all the doubts you might have before you go ahead to buy one.

  • Color

Color is another aspect that you need to consider, especially if you’re buying a lacquered coffee table. This category of tables comes in various colors that render your room with an integral pop of color. It’s important to pick a color that will improve your room’s aesthetic. So, do your research to determine the right colors that can create a stylish outlook. To make it more stylish, think of incorporating extra additions that can better its outward appearance. So, decide on the color before you actually buy one.

  • Style

The right style for your coffee desk can either make or break the entire aesthetic of your room. It would be best if you were doubtless that the settings you place your desk resemble your desk’s style. You shouldn’t even imagine placing a stylish table in an achromatic setting. The style needs to match with its surrounding. With a plethora of modern coffee tables, the options for landing the right style are countless. Take the necessary measures to keep your coffee desk modern and stylish so that it can fit in any room you may intend to place it.

  • Material

The material used in the making of a coffee table is another crucial factor to consider. Most people only realize there’re various materials used in making coffee tables when they need one. Wood is the most typical material everyone is aware of. However, besides wood, there are tens of other materials used to manufacture these precious desks. This presents you with a wide variety of options to choose from. Only choose a material that matches your house settings. Regardless of what you select, the material should gel with the surrounding it is in.

  • Shape

Nowadays, coffee desks are available in a variety of shapes. Unlike in the past, when you could only choose either round or square-shaped coffee desks, today there’re tens of shapes you can pick from. With technological advancement, people are undertaking and reviewing different possible shapes to add to their list. Your seating area will determine the perfect shape for your coffee table. If your seating area is pretty small, then you’ll need a shape that takes less space. For instance, oblong and oval shapes are suited for rooms with a wider space. Regardless of the shape, it must gel with your room settings.

  • User-Friendly

The coffee desk you pick should be a bit user-friendly, especially if you’ve kids. This is because kids can get tempted to play around the area and can easily bump into spaces while playing. If you have a weak and delicate coffee table, it’s more likely that it will break when pushed forcefully. Thus, it’s important to have a strong coffee table that is a bit feasible and kid-friendly to stem serious accidents that can pose harm. Such a desk gives you peace of mind since it can’t pose a danger to your kids whenever they play around it.

  • Height

Height is one of the aspects people tend to overlook when it comes to buying a coffee table. If the table height is too high or too low, it can break the entire aesthetic of your room. Certainly, there is nothing more disappointing than having a coffee table that doesn’t have proper height as per your space. It needs to be working well with your seating spaces to bring perfection. The height of your coffee table should not exceed the height of the cushions on your couch; otherwise, it will be uncomfortable.

  • Budget

The amount you’re willing to spend will also determine the type of coffee table you can afford. You don’t have to break the bank to buy a modern, stylish coffee table. This is because people often lose the affection of their surroundings quickly. Spending top-dollar on a piece of furniture can make it very hard to replace. This differs from buying an affordable table because you can easily replace it sooner than later if you find it worthy. However, most coffee tables are long-lasting, meaning unless you intend to upgrade for your own reasons, you can stick to your current table for a long-time.

Types of Coffee Tables

Every living room is spacious enough to accommodate a coffee table, and if you’re wise enough, your table can help you economize on space. Rather than having separate dining and coffee tables, you can have both in one. Go for a well-designed coffee table with uniquely crafted stool inserts.

With that said, here are the various types of coffee tables

  • Wood coffee table

Wood is one of the most widely used coffee desks worldwide. Wood tables are preferred over others due to their versatility, warmth, timelessness, and availability in different shapes, styles, and sizes.

  • Metal coffee table

Metal is another coffee table that you will come across while shopping. They are robust and not as heavy as conventional wood tables. These tables are user-friendly, especially if you have kids who like to play around the table. The only concern for these tables is that they are more expensive than wood.

  • Glass coffee table

Glass tables have witnessed a tremendous rise in popularity over the last two decades. Previously, glass coffee tables lacked versatility, but nowadays, manufactures have made a breakthrough in creating versatile, alluring designs that never happened before. Some of the tables are connected through metal joints, while others are completely made of glass. The main drawback of glass coffee desks is that they are quite expensive.

  • Acrylic

Ostensibly acrylic coffee desk looks like glass but tolerates glass’s versatility and transparency without extra weight and expenses. Acrylic is one of the modern examples of coffee tables that is suited for any modern setup.