Even though there are no dogs that are 100% free of allergens, there are a few dog breeds referred to as “hypoallergenic” since their allergen levels they carry and shed are less than that of other kinds since they produced little dander of their own. Despite there being a lot of medium and large-sized dog breeds which are hypoallergenic, the smaller breeds are less likely to provoke any allergic reactions since they are easy to groom and brush and have less allergens to spread. It’s vital to be keen when selecting your companion, no matter which size, since not all of them are home friendly. Here are some of the best dog breeds when someone in your home has allergies that you can purchase.

Small dog breeds


These dogs will never get in your way no matter how tiny your home is since they are tiny. Maltese are usually very clean, and they are not smelly like several other dog breeds. They are super friendly, and they get along quite well with children and other dogs if you have any. Since they are small, it’s elementary to bathe them, and in the process, all the dander and other allergens are shed. Its hair is long and elegant and, therefore, hard to shed. If these dogs are taken care of daily, they become spotless, making it hard for them to cause allergies. They are also relatively cheap compared to most of the other hypoallergenic dog breeds.

Barking is a significant problem for anyone purchasing these breeds, and most people find it extremely hard to housebreak this dog breed due to the smallness of its bladder. It would be best if you considered whether you intend to leave this dog on its own for a day or two. Since the coating of the Maltese is quite subtle, it must be brushed daily to prevent matting. You should brush their teeth daily as well since they are shoved together in their mouth. Maltese may also have food allergies, low blood sugar, and even luxating patellas from time to time.


Cockapoo dogs are very friendly to everyone, making them ideal for any home, especially for those with small kids and older adults. They are a very quiet breed, and they rarely bark. They are little shedders and do not dander a lot, and therefore they are suitable for people with allergies. Cockapoo dogs are straightforward to train, and they can survive for a more extended period compared to other dog breeds with average life spans of 13-15 years

Pictured left is my cockapoo, Karma, when he was only 18 months old.

However, cockapoo dogs typically require regular exercise since they are a high-activity breed, which might be challenging for people who have a busy lifestyle. This dog breed also has a lot of health problems, which is a significant area for concern for several dog owners. The common health issues that this breed has are progressive retinal atrophy and eye-related issues as well. They are also prone to obesity, which may cause joint problems, and therefore one should watch the dog’s diet to avoid such issues.

Medium dog breeds.

Portuguese water dog

This dog breed is highly recommended for home life since they are medium-sized and less likely to shed. They weigh around fifty pounds, and they are very active. These dogs are ideal for homes with a yard, and if you don’t own one, it’s essential to take the dogs for long walks several times a day since they get bored quickly if left to sit around in the house. Sometime back, the former president of the united states, Barack Obama, purchased this dog brand for his daughter since she is allergic to dogs since this was the only breed they would agree on. This breed is good with kids, and they require grooming after every four weeks and not daily like some of the kinds. They are usually obedient and can live for more than twelve years if well handled.

However, Portuguese water dogs should only be left alone in the house for no more than six hours since they may get bored alone and start getting into things they shouldn’t. They are susceptible to hip dysplasia, therefore a lot of caution should be taken, and tests are done before making a purchase. They might also genetically acquire eyelid problems and renal atrophy from their parents. The main problem with Portuguese water dogs is that they are expensive and rare to come across. The process of acquiring the is also long and demanding.


These are one of the smallest medium dog breeds, and they weigh around twenty-five pounds. They are easy to house train, and they are clean too. They require to be exercised from time to time since they are the hunting type. They do not bark, and therefore they are ideal for any home since they are less likely to disturb your neighbors or the people in your home. Despite them having short hair, they hardly shed. They also cat-like behaviors in cleaning themselves up, making it difficult for them to bring allergens into your house. If you are not able to clean them up, you can wipe them with some moist clean cloth, and they’ll be good to go.

If you are purchasing a dog for the first time, this is not the breed for you. This is because they have independent behavior, and they are more often than not stubborn. They also have a lot of health problems. Around thirty percent of Basenji dogs suffer from kidney disease and eye problems. Approximately five percent of this dog breed suffers from intestinal diseases too.

Large dog breeds.

Standard poodle

The standard poodle dog breed is one of the brainiest breeds, but when bored, they can be hazardous. They are always up and about hunting and require a lot of exercise. It’s a breed from which a lot of hybrids are based. It’s the most preferred since it produces less dander, and they have a non-shedding coat. However, some grooming must be done from time to time, mostly after every six weeks, to keep them from getting tangled or matted. Brushing out matts can be an uncomfortable experience for your poodle so brush them often and make it a bonding experience for you two!

Barking can be a primary concern for these breeds, but they often only do so when the family is back home due to their excitement or from barking at animals in the yard from their natural hunting instincts. If not exercised, they get bored, and they do not lounge around. Before purchasing this dog breed, you should have its eyes checked and hips checked for early signs of hip dysplasia if you are concerned with this becoming an issue in the future. Standard poodle dogs are also susceptible to gastric torsion so be aware if your poodle friend has bloating, seems very uncomfortable, and is pacing around looking unwell.


Bernese mountain dog breeds are phlegmatic pets which are not apartment-friendly because they are relatively huge and come from a working background. However, when crossed with standard poodle breed, a kind that does tremendously well in apartments, the Bernedoodle crossbreeds usually do well even in small homes.

Bernedoodles do not shed a lot, and they are quiet and laid-back. The bernedoole is a new breed, and you should be careful when purchasing since some of these breeds do not follow the poodle’s trait. When making a purchase, have a signed contract that says that you can return the dog in case it brings up any allergic reactions with a family member. However, do not enter into an oral contract. If you have some big space in your home or apartment, the bernedoodle is an excellent breed to purchase since they have a lifespan of around twelve years, and their weight is about eighty pounds.

Bernedoodles are very social, and if left alone for an extended period, they do not do well. They are not hypersensitive, and therefore they are not the best guard dogs. These dogs are also prone to eye diseases, bloating, and even hip dysplasia.

Other things to remember

The allergy you have towards your pet could be a result of dander on its skin, hair shed, or even a change in the pH of your dog’s hair. This should not worry you since a lot can be done to reduce the allergens. Bathing your dog regularly, brushing his hair from time to time, and wiping his feet with some clean cloth after walks are some of the things you can do to reduce allergens. Using an air filter in the home, cleaning his bowls and toys from time to time, and vacuuming your house regularly can also help.

There is a hypoallergenic home dog out there for you, but it might take you a month, a year, or even a couple of years to find them. Please press on and don’t fall into the traps of cons just because you gave up, or you got tired of looking. Seek advice and guidance from people who have purchased hypoallergenic dogs in the past and also remember to obtain a written contract stating that you can return the dog if it causes any allergy problems in your home.

However, not all Pet shops and dog breeders are reliable. Some pet shops will be willing to sell at subsidized prices since they reared this breeds in unethical backyards. At the same time, some online sites will be ready to deliver them to your doorstep or even at parking lots to prevent you from seeing the rare conditions of these animals. This should be a sign these are likely puppy mills where people force dogs into mating just to sell the litters. And although puppy mills are shameful and some of the litters may be prone to disease these are living creatures that still deserve a happy home. And as a courtesy to all the animal lovers of the world please report any suspicious puppy mill operations you may come across.

If you love animals and have allergies such as I do I really hope this article helps you find your new animal best friend. I personally have had a Cockapoo and Maltese in the past and did not experience as much discomfort around them as some of my friends dogs that had dry skin problems and big thick fur coats.